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    Not quite sure. Bring me the sextant, will you?

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  1. Have to admit I was about to dismiss it with a shrug, but no... genius I say. Pure genius.
  2. We're all eagerly awaiting Don Innocencio's communiqué.
  3. It's horrific. But surely in a couple of centuries of this, I assume they considered some ways to mitigate the splintering, by padding the sides with multiple layers of nets, or even piling some sandbags? I seem to recall having seen that but it was from a comic book.
  4. Let us courteously assume you're referring to governor Henry Clinton, because any other reference here is unlikely to trump the attention of the mods.
  5. Doing it all for the upgrade and ending up with 600 pine logs... who doesn't know the feeling already?
  6. "Pirate ranks" sounds like an oxymoron. Yet such are the necessities of the game...
  7. That reminds me once when I was stopped by a bouncer because I forgot I kept a corkscrew in my pocket...
  8. Let's not jump on our high horses here.
  9. Yep I liked the multiple corkscrews as well, once I noticed them. Plus the 90' joke is just on the spot. Edit@JLP I should have said surrendermonkeyfication instead.
  10. Being fed a constant stream of dim-witted white-flag-ho-ho-ho splutter from armchair generals since a good thirteen years now -and counting- it's not the offence that gets the French anymore, it's the sheer boredom.
  11. Aye, we've been uprooting the sweeds but they grow everywhere in our backyard...
  12. "Mr Pitney, have this fine specimen of citizen of humanity walk the plank, please, and do not devote more of our time to that than it deserves."
  13. Aye, normally it does. When everyone behaves rationally, that is... here it's clearly not the case.
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  14. That's a double-edged comment here, pal.
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