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Rid Cully

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. edit: restart the pc and everything ist just fine . sorry for the false alarm.
  2. thx .. a few days delay is no problem. everyone has a RL *thumbsup* ridcully edit: with the new version i cant get the actual position to work. no problem with the old version until the patch , but now nothing happens. is there something i can do for bug fixing , or maybe some settings in the firewall ? btw im running windows10 x64 regards edit 2: after a restart of the computer, everything works fine. sorry for that.
  3. hey , the patch itself is a couple of houres old. wait a few days. hes a privat man and gets no money at all. he will do his best to fix the temp. problem as soon as he coud. regards
  4. if you follow the link in this posting http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/12052-public-api-for-naval-action/page-8#entry253608 you will find , that this is already implemented. mfg ridcully
  5. for me, the rulers itself are not the problem. as for the colour , i think you need somthing with a little contrast to the map itself. but a picture explains it better in the lower right i make some examples and if you look at Kingston / port Royal you can see that the info on time / nautic miles is almost unreadeble becouse it´s the same colour than the rest. if we can switch the map it would be great, but a choise at the start what map to use by default would also do the trick. no need to switch on the fly. regards Ridcully
  6. nice work, does a great job. 2 suggestions: - abitlity to change the map to another e.g Shrouded Recluse's Map. the lines from the compas on the map are annoying. - change the course colour to something other than black
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