There will be a "historical" item/name or it will be like "Loki Rune"?
This one and the transportation item make the defence more historical, more realistic. When you have a fleet in a port this fleet should be able to enter in a battle to defend the port. When you want to attack one port it should cost the same to try to conquer Cartagena de Indias or a simple port: no more extra missions for be able to attack a big port. Just a fleet. This news are approaching more to that. That's fine. Good move.
An addition to the immersion of this game, well done. Best port of each one could be a new important port, no matter if they are with 25 points or +50, we can decide, we can build our "Empire".
Insane decision. Quarantine has make you all realise you can make more popular this game.
Preciate it. We all preciate it. There not should be problems about that. It is justice.
Immersion and immersion. You are making this game unforgettable.