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  1. If you decide to fight under the black flag we will welcome you with open arms. Sir FartsAlot Member of the DREAD FLEET And all around Nice Guy
  2. How about no penalty for faction change. Give everybody the same advantage that the pirates have. Limit a player's change to once per month ( or whatever makes sense ). Right now if a player (or clan) is dissatisfied with his current faction it is a one way street all the way to Mortimer Town.
  3. To be clear a battle between a ship that is in near land but floating water against another ship floating in water can only be reinforced from land? What form of reality is this supposed to simulate? If you don't intend to simulate reality may I have a wheels upgrade for my ship so I can fight in a sea battle?
  4. I have answered this question at length but it was deleted by moderators. If you want the backstory come to our TS and I will tell you.
  5. We welcome the AUSEZ to the brotherhood of Pirates. They made the switch for their own reasons and we had no part in their decision. I encountered them long ago as an american in the STARS and STRIPES clan in which they kicked our butts fair and square in a shallow water PB. They have our respect , we consider them equals and look forward to working with them. Sir FartsAlot Member of the DREAD FLEET All around nice guy
  6. Why should ships that are already in port not be allowed to defend?
  7. It was the clan rank and file that decided to go pirate. It was not Lord Vicious's idea. I know. I was there. If the council would have treated STARS and STRIPES with the respect we deserved, we would still be Americans. The council chose to alienate the strongest American clan. We got tired of the crap and we decided to do something about it. We are more revolutionaries than pirates. If the game would have allowed revolution so we could punish the council we would have done it. The only avenue available was to go pirate. Now the Council are outlaws in their own land. They are the pirates and we are the Americans. The situation is repeating itself in Brit-tard land. The SLRN dominates the politics and they treat their teammates with arrogance. Whole clans have defected and more will follow. The noose is tightening on the criminal British. They are surrounded by enemies and their allies grow weak.
  8. Pirates captured more Ports through naval action in this time frame than Americans did. Americans should be limited only their original ports only. Americans should not be allowed anything bigger than frigates. I make these suggestions only to make gameplay more realistic.
  9. Congratulations to the Ausez! Welcome to the brotherhood.
  10. Sounds like an exploit to me.
  11. Ipso Facto, SORRY owns America and is cutting it just fine. SORRY is the pet that grew to be a Lion and ATE the USA The Lion is still hungry. Brit-tard land it looking particularly tasty.
  12. This is a interesting poll but I think better question would be: Should all nations be limited to only historical ships? Should nations that never captured ports through naval action be allowed to capture ports? Many of the ships in this game never sailed the americas. No nation had more than a handful of first rates ever. America had only frigates. Pirates did take ports by naval actions.
  13. Benedict Arnold betrayed the Americans to the British. Much the same as the council did. We are now the legitimate Patriots of America after liberating it from the British puppets of the Council. Look who you run to for help. It is you who bow to the tyranny of the crown. We have offered the outlaw clans generous terms for a honorable peace but you persist in clinging to your British overlords instead of living in freedom and justice.
  14. I think that for gameplay purposes that all three tactics ( sail/demast, boarding or sinking) should be balanced. Right now it leans too heavily towards boarding. Demasting is virtually impossible and sinking takes a bit too long. I did not like the easy leak, easy sink model of the last patch.
  15. The pirate join circle was on dry land. We had time to join but our ships lacked proper wheels so to arrive in the join area. I call on the Devs to fix this obvious bug and provide wheels on all pirate vessels so we may participate in sea battles.
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