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HW Chopper

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HW Chopper's Achievements


Landsmen (1/13)



  1. can we hire more officers yet ?
  2. Im from Australia and my ping to both servers is 270+ and I have no issue at all
  3. would like to know what your definition of plenty of action is IE: how many PB;s a day how many open world battles occur How many first rates in battles trader trolling How many nations involved in PVP battles
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  4. screenshots or it never happened
  5. I think you read into things too much but you have one thing right and they is "never let the truth get i the way of a good story" I wish we had 20 members online The real winner here was PVP in the end.
  6. The thing every one forgets is when the game is released and if it gets popular again they will most likely reopen the usa server and allow transfers. keeping a server open for only a few hundred people is not a good business model. That money could be better spent on development.
  7. Nah just merge the servers so you get the pleasure of my company again BTW Private messaging me calling me a fool and that every one hates me just shows your maturity
  8. Guess I'm not allowed one too
  9. Mate no ones calling you insane apart from yourself
  10. I have played on PVP2 since January and started out as a young Guardiamarina in Spain until the US wiped them out then transferred to GB where I reached the dizzy heights of Rear Admiral. I have just stated everything I have observed over this period of time played. I believe you are the toxic one here with your hater post, and I remember when SOL and SOB left PVP2 there was a Different vibe when that happen but it didn't last and i doubt it will last but i hope it does for your sake. as for the Australians leaving the USA server it was our choice because nothing was happening in our prime apart from a bit of open world PVP you will understand when you reach Rear Admiral and LVL 50 in crafting that there is not much left to do in the game so PVP is what chose to do,
  11. the OP asked if there were any news on a server merge and I added the link for an update saying that there is a "Potential" server merge. yes it may be worthless but still noteworthy for the OP to make his own mind up.
  12. So you finally left PR.... good for you have been on pvp1 for 4 days and have seen a PB's full with leftovers outside let me know when you get that on pvp2
  13. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14640-devlog-forthcoming-content-patches-plan/
  14. The clear end goal was to try and keep the server afloat and not reduce nations down to their capitals to keep the player interested in the game. but its clear now that the US want to kill the server so I say good luck to them #enjoy
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