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But you didn't have to fleet grind constantly. That is a choice your group made, and that choice was boring and didn't lead to any real fights or PvP. It is easier to find fights when you are being invaded. France was there once, and apparently Brits are in the same boat on PvP1. But if you are the invader, then you can't just sit back in the middle of your territory and except to have fun; only showing up on the borders to mass for PBs and then bug out afterwards. These are player decisions that affect the experience in the game, not the game that dictates the player experience. The aggressors on PvP1 aren't sitting back inside their borders and fleet grinding every night from what I hear, but that's what SOB did as "invaders."
From Roberts on page 4 of the "PvP 2 Political situation" thread Granted this number is a bit dated, it still begs the question as to what SOB's leadership has been doing with those numbers to keep them entertained. I imagine that number is significantly lower now do to boredom of defending territory and fleet grinding.
Agreed, but makes you wonder what SOB was doing with it's 150 members.
We will, there is bound to be some clan or nation on this server the can fight a war for longer than a couple days. Our only challenge is to find them.
It's like talking to a brick wall. "There is nothing to do on this server so we are leaving." "Well why have you avoided doing things? You could have don't this and this and this." "Ugh, you don't get it the game doesn't hand me content, and there is no way to get it otherwise" "But what about this, don't you see that doing what you have been doing is avoiding content, not creating it" "This is all pointless you are just arguing" I swear. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
I don't want arguments, I want fights in-game. But then the enemy up and quits because they are bored cause they have been avoiding fights.....that is my point. You claim there is no content, but I have pointed to several examples where Britain could have content, but instead they strategically avoided it because it was safe. If you can't see how things for your clan and your nation would have been different if you would have done: 1.) set port timers to prime times 2.) patrolled borders outside of the port windows 3.) made continuous assaults lasting days, not just one-and-done attacks Those are the 3 reasons you don't have content. Those are the 3 reasons you and your clan is bored. And if you switch to a different server and still do those things....then the same result is inevitable.
Yes we took them, so? I don't see the point in you saying that we took ports, were we not to? What is Britain going to do about it? Apparently they are leaving. We reset the timers to prime time. If you are looking for a fight, there is your fight, there is your content. You want fights, you have to facilitate them. Setting port windows to the least populated times....that is how you avoid fights. Setting them to prime time....that is how you create large battles. You want fights, come to the La Mona area before the bulk of the French move on, you'll have your content you say doesn't exist. Maybe even if you stick around the area, instead of just showing up for the port battle, blobbing around and then leaving after a single port battle, maybe then you will have your fights. Again, the reason you have not had content is that you have strategicly avoided said content that you claim you want.
It isn't fun, but we thought it would provoke a response from the brits other than quitting. And how else could we have taken the ports....brits set the port windows to times that guarantee there wouldn't be a fight. Why are you blaming France for taking ports during the port windows that were set by you and your nation?
You guys don't learn a thing....ports don't matter.
One day of risky moves does not create fun for a month. You cite 4 singular events....what about the other 27+ days? If I recall British behavior around Vieques (one of your risks) for several days your fleet just sat in port for hours with one ship waiting outside as bait. France took the bait a few times knowing that your main force was hiding in port.... that was a risk. Siting in port and waiting for another nation to make a strategic mistake by taking the bait....I see no risk in that. You just wasted the fun factor for your people cause you were afraid to fight when there wasn't an advantage and you didn't have overwhelming numbers. I would stop playing if I was told that I had to wait in port for hours.
If it's content then switch servers will not change that, will it? If it's low server population....why do you think it got so low? You can say the grind or content, but the truth is that the largest groups just sat around for about a month, only making safe moves and only fighting battles that had guaranteed wins. That is why the risky French have only seen a roughly 10% drop in population while other nations are losing 50% or more. All nations play the same game and have the same content, so the real difference is the strategy and the realization that fun is more important than ports.
FUN is the only thing of strategic importance in games. Soldiers do not permanently die, ports don't mean a thing. If you can't keep your gaming group entertained, then that group is dead. You can't wait for other groups to come along and make things fun, you have to do that yourself and no server change is going to change that. Myself and other Frenchmen actually miss the pirate invasion about a month ago. We were strategically losing, but had a blast. Honestly, haven't had as much fun in this game since....been trying though. The pirates giving up was a huge shot to morale of the French, while a strategic victory, it meant that we had nothing fun to do. Then Brits invaded Sweden ... boom, we rushed in, lost a few times, but had fun. That died down, so we pressed West, hoping to get a reaction from Britain to give us the fight we are looking for...but alas, now they have folded too. This is another big shot to morale for the French, cause while we are "winning" it isn't fun. Too many leaders in this game are risk-adverse. They play it safe. But the smart thing to do is be risky...if you lose, then no biggy, but if you win, great! Playing it safe leads to the potential of losing fights you should have won (not fun) or boredom (not fun). Risky means that if you win you can have loads of fun and if you lose you can still have fun cause it was a known risk. Switching servers will not change the experience or make it more fun if you simply do the same safe plays. This is exactly why Slamz said that some people were ruining the game. The 2 largest nations were so afraid to lose that they didn't fight each other. I know some people criticized members of their own nation because they were fighting in strategically risky ways. Now looks what is happening. Large groups of players are bored and leaving ... just like was predicted. People's pride over winning got in the way of having fun, and despite being told what was happening, still didn't see the writing on the wall and simply fired back insults on the forums. Remember, if you are a clan leader in a game, any game, and your group is not having fun, there is no one to blame but yourself... not the game, not the other groups, only you. Simply switching arenas will not change that, only a change in leadership will.
Really? How many French clans have switched servers that you know of? Yes, not every battle has been won by the French, but one or two or three or four battles don't determine the entire war. Lose some, win some. The point is the fight itself, not in who wins or who loses. Britain, or should I say key clans within Britain, have run away from the fight all together. Retreating from a battle and folding under the pressure, are two completely different things.
Quite frankly this whole "major British clans running away to another server" is more upsetting for the French than the British. We have to move our whole operation AGAIN (a logistical pain) to hopefully find a worthy enemy that won't fold after a single day of lost battles. We were expecting this counter-push to take over a week or more, but instead it's been a matter of a couple days. Now we got to spend time shifting our outposts further West, in hopes of finding a war that can keep us entertained for longer than a couple days.
Well if one side runs away after being beat by a much smaller group, what do you call that? Actions speak louder than words.