I personally think this is a bad idea. All nations should be given the opportunity to acquire the tools(ships) to RvR. If you want someone to do more of something why would you take away their ability to build what is required to carry out that action? Makes no sense to me.
Currently there are multiple PB’s a day, with at times some great fights going on (not so much GB right now granted). I would envisage that many of these fights simply won’t happen anymore as some nations will have a pool of VM’s to use replacing lost 1st rates and others won’t. It may seem to the Devs, and some dedicated hardcore players, that it’s easy to build a 1st rate, but it’s not for a casual player, and let’s face it, this game won’t be a success off the back of (shall we say) 250 excellent dedicated player?
Additionally, I have never seen the forum so united over a subject. If the Devs don’t take any notice of the overwhelmingly negative reception of the last patch , you should probably shutdown the forum as it’s clearly without use.
Oh and Merry Christmas!