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Black Knight the first

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About Black Knight the first

  • Birthday 01/30/1986

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Black Knight the first's Achievements

Ordinary seaman

Ordinary seaman (2/13)



  1. I'll trade you. I get 15 on the lowest game settings, regardless of how crazy or not the battle is. Of course, I have a shitbox computer with integrated graphics.
  2. Well, if you want to trade without risk, go play PVE. You're on a PVP server. Of course trading is going to make you a target. That's a reasonable conclusion.
  3. Good day, admin. Thanks for that heads up- question so I can pass it along to my clan: any plans to merge PVP2 as well, either now or in the future? The bulk of our players have been on hiatus as it was understood that the PVP servers would be merging across the board. Thanks!
  4. The forts have been discussed and previews given in a couple of different threads. Regarding the cap zones- it's a way to break out of the player versus tower mechanic that currently exists. That gets tiresome quick. It'll be interesting to see where it goes from there- I suspect that it'll make more sense when land makes its way into PBs. Strategic choke points and the like would make sense in the context of a port battle and holding those areas to prevent an enemy from getting through reinforcements and such strikes me as a reasonable alternative.
  5. Please stick to the topic at hand. I think you have the right of it- I don't think that there will be a paradigm shift until land and sea topography actually become a part of the port battle system. Any changes as far as restricting port zones or a BR system will just mean that someone or another will devise an optimal way to do the battle. I think the best thing to do right now is sit tight, watch what changes come, and test them. Hard to offer constructive solutions until we know what the port battle is actually going to wind up looking like.
  6. Right, you have "war", now. It has no focus or purpose past killing dudes. If that's your want, it can be far more easily achieved utilizing the provided duels, small battles, and large battle lobbies. Politics relating to the OW situation already exist and already drive the warfare there. Creating a formalized system for it is not only reasonable but also beneficial to the health of the game. Giving folks who are inclined to be a part of the process an outlet is a useful thing, especially as this actually allows for the spread of power and mechanics to allow informal policy of affiliated clans and players to have formalized meaning. *Edits for spelling and punctuation. Replying on mobile is a pain in the ass, sometimes.
  7. "War is the continuation of politics by other means." Clausewitz has a fair point. Politics drive the conflicts and the conflicts are what make a PVP MMO fun. This proposed update doesn't force you to partake in the political climate- it does however formalize a state of affairs that already exists in game and gives it purpose and direction. That, I think, is a step in the right direction.
  8. I know I'm pro-ganking. I'm really pro-fighting. Anything that makes it easier for me to find a battle is cool. But I think you already know that about me
  9. No- partook in a battle where we demasted a player's third rate a few days ago, and in one of the following engagements, one of our trincos was demasted. Seems to be working fine, mostly- except that the masts do seem a touch tougher than prior to the patch.
  10. This guy knows what's up. I honestly didn't mind the longer timer. Fought plenty of battles in my favor and against. It was paet of the game. Getting ganked in a sandbox is just part of this thing. Someone'll always figure out a way to make it happen. Some of my favorite encounters worked out this way- got a lot of good laughs at my expense, and a lot of cavalry riding to save the day.
  11. I don't have a lot to add as far as discussion goes- I quite like what you all have presented, especially the multiple avenues for "having a say," as it were. My big question though is this- do you all have a timeline for implementation? I suspect that actually seeing it laid out would go a long way to finding any consequences and side-effects of this implementation. Just food for thought.
  12. They've always had a Dura of 4. The Connie where the durability begins to decrease and I'd assume other fourth rates with it while third rates have three, second rates have two, and first rates have 1 durability.
  13. Admin; I understand the impulse and the desire to remove the timesink for your mod staff (trust me I do- I'm a moderator for a fairly large subreddit, and I've moderated forums before), however- even with the shitposting that sometimes comes in, this forum, more than just about anything drives the RvR conflicts in game. The back and forth smacktalking and rivalries we have in here contribute to the flavor of the game in a lot of ways, especially given that there are no formalized diplomacy mechanics in place right now. I get that you want to focus your team on working on the development aspect and you want the playerbase on these forums to move to that end, however I'd also like to point out that in order to see some of the areas that need improving, you need conflict drivers, such as these forums. That said, I think this may be a misstep, and I'd encourage you to consider it as such. Perhaps, even consider a different tack with it- look at leaving it lightly-to-unmoderated, except for egregious offenses. That way, you satisfy your desire to free up your moderators for other threads where it's more black and white, and the players here can continue to do their thing and drive the conflict that provides the content.
  14. Generally because British territory is who we're butting up against, in general, so that means your nation (assuming that you are a Brit in the first place) is the one that the French, on the whole, are engaging on the regular.
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