I have to admit, I've gotten a sort of perverse kind of entertainment from watching the worst offenders show up in here to lament how everyone else has brought about the ruin of the NN forums.
You people have had all the time needed to smarten up and, surprise surprise, it just went further and further downhill. The community brought this upon themselves by being so immature that they couldn't handle a barely-semi-moderated forum without bickering like children. I guess you'll have to stick to patting yourselves on the back in absurd Suggestion posts where you accuse those you constantly troll of being the trolls themselves, and trying to grief players with inexcusable Tribunal threads to get them punished for not breaking any rules.
This is what happens when mommy and daddy get fed up with the mess and take away your toys, because you won't clean up after yourself. Congratulations, folks; you have nobody to blame but yourselves.