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Francis Tabernac

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Junior Lieutenant

Junior Lieutenant (6/13)



  1. I was upset, because this forum has so much great content, but yeah I was probably more condescending than necessary. Fair enough. Believe me, I wasn't gloating; it's a shame that it had to go this way.
  2. And yet it's everyone else that's the troll, the griefer, and the one trying to ruin the game for others. Naturally. Like I said, folks: the community has brought this on themselves, and here's yet another shining example of how.
  3. You might actually be the most obnoxious of the lot, which I have to say is quite impressive. Keep up the good work, I guess?
  4. I'll miss this part of the NN forum, even if half of it is people begging to have bounties placed on them to feel important Bloody Hound is the real victim of this, people!
  5. I have to admit, I've gotten a sort of perverse kind of entertainment from watching the worst offenders show up in here to lament how everyone else has brought about the ruin of the NN forums. You people have had all the time needed to smarten up and, surprise surprise, it just went further and further downhill. The community brought this upon themselves by being so immature that they couldn't handle a barely-semi-moderated forum without bickering like children. I guess you'll have to stick to patting yourselves on the back in absurd Suggestion posts where you accuse those you constantly troll of being the trolls themselves, and trying to grief players with inexcusable Tribunal threads to get them punished for not breaking any rules. This is what happens when mommy and daddy get fed up with the mess and take away your toys, because you won't clean up after yourself. Congratulations, folks; you have nobody to blame but yourselves.
  6. To be fair, though, who does?
  7. I like the idea in general - yes, Navy ships would be well-maintained daily but there's only so much that can be done - but the idea of weathering slowly increasing with the 'days at sea' function is what I like most. Just a nice little cosmetic addition.
  8. Indeed, I'm surprised there's not more support for this from nations with heavily mixed languages spoken. It's not a perfect system, obviously, but then "not being perfect" isn't a good reason not to test it out since that's precisely why we're here in the first place. If it turns out to cause more grief than help then it's easy enough to remove later.
  9. That map also demonstrates why Australia, being so far north of the UK and the Scandinavian countries, is known for its bitterly cold climate and rich arctic ecology. It's also the last safe habitat for polar bears, who are otherwise suffering from the effects of global warming.
  10. You really ought to stop throwing this out there as if it's some dire accusation. For one, raiding with fast ships is not only a valid tactic, it's a sensible one; there's really nothing wrong with it. For another, some of your very favourite fellow nationals have used this tactic extensively (to the point of refusing to group with anyone whose Renommee was not kitted out only for speed and nothing else because they may not be able to escape otherwise), and used them almost exclusively for mission-ganking (usually Snows and Mercuries) while France was still fighting the Dutch. That was the least underhanded thing done back then, in fact So really, save your adorable tears and find another ridiculous reason to criticise people you disagree with. That one probably hits pretty close to home for some of your very own allies
  11. How can this be? I read on here that we're British lapdogs and working directly for them! Somebody get the Ombudsman on the horn!
  12. Hah, I've used it for years, because it never fails to at least mildly amuse. It comes from a brilliant animated short film by Don Hertzfeldt called "Rejected". Glad you enjoy it, sir!
  13. You're welcome. But as you said, cute attempt. Something something dark side something hypocrisy.
  14. They worked for the government, in whatever form that took, which you are not.
  15. Hey man, don't go feeding him that burden of proof cake! You no-good troll, you!
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