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About Remo

  • Birthday 08/26/1985

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Able seaman

Able seaman (3/13)



  1. Not all of us are like that. I directly take care of both of my parents who are in their late 60's early 70's.
  2. Well shit, how the hell am I supposed to argue with that? You're alright in my book Admin.
  3. I implore you not to act like this, you guys are professionals now and you need to act the part. The amount of criticism you guys are getting right now is quite low compared to many other companies. Once you start responding to the haters in the same way a starving artist would you will start losing people, you will get bad reviews and your game will suffer for it. Even if people give you crap for what you say or what you fail to do, you need to walk through that particular fire with your head up. If you can't do that then you need to hire someone who can do the public relations for you. In fact it might be best if you do that, you having direct contact with people with the attitude of "If they don't like it fuck 'em" is bad juju. Just my shilling...
  4. Oh really? Very simply put, strip their ability to cap ports, change all important pirate ports to free ports, change all unimportant ones to neutral ports. DONE, that will turn them into the roaming nomadic assholes that they are meant to be for now. You can add other stuff later. If you say you can't do this, you are flat face lying. Very simply put, strip their ability to cap ports, change all important pirate ports to free ports, change all unimportant ones to neutral ports. DONE, that will turn them into the roaming nomadic assholes that they are meant to be for now. You can add other stuff later. If you say you can't do this, you are flat face lying. I really dislike having to repeat myself but there you go, I did it twice so hopefully the message is two times as effective. Oh but feel free to read it multiple times if you need to.
  5. I haven't been around forever so I have not idea what their original plans for the pirates were, but after reading what admin has to say it's obvious he really just wants to keep the current system. As I have stated before the current idea of Pirates being a nation and that the players themselves need to make it work is garbage. Very simply put, strip their ability to cap ports, change all important pirate ports to free ports, change all unimportant ones to neutral ports. DONE, that will turn them into the roaming nomadic assholes that they are meant to be for now. You can add other stuff later. If you say you can't do this, you are flat face lying.
  6. See my post above for the proper way to fix this problem.
  7. Want to start with the foundation first, not the walls and roof, but I digress. I don't care as long as they eventually change it. If they plan to keep pirates as-is permanently, that sucks a big 'ol fat pickle.
  8. I still don't understand why Pirates aren't the free "faction" that they should be. Where they don't have a capital, they don't capture land, they just use free/neutral ports as bases anywhere they like and just be total jerks to the nationals like they are supposed to. Hell they could even enter national ports if they can make it inside without getting jumped. Then later down the line they can go to a national capital port, sign up as a privateer which has a one week lock that locks them out of all enemy national ports and flags them as Brit/French/US whatever, and they gain the ability to send to Admiralty and get a increase to prize income. Slap a reputation system on the nationals that lets pirates build reputation with them that makes them non-aggro if they gain enough. I really really don't get why they aren't like this. Pirates don't need to capture freaking ports, they were individuals, they should be whatever they want to be. I'm no developer, but the idea is so freaking simple that I'm literally thinking this all up while taking a dump right now, sitting on the toilet, just throwing this down. Come on guys, it's not hard. EDIT: To add even more to this, change all current pirate ports to neutral and the more important ports to Free ports. Mortimer = Free port obviously. EZ PZ LEMON SQUEEZY Do it and I guarantee people will like it more than this current garbage. Yes I said garbage, it is garbage, making pirates a nation is garbage, it sucks, it makes 0 sense, change it. I know admin asked during the Q&A "What would you do to change it?" in a very defensive way when the interviewer asked the question of whether or not they would change pirates. It was almost as if the interviewer had just called admin a jackass or something, he reacted very poorly to the question or it was just his english I don't know. But to answer your question of how I would change it? There it is broskie, in black and white.
  9. Remove the ability to capture/captain AI CONTROLLED 4th rates and higher. This lets players steal peoples ships regardless of rate, if they are stupid enough to sail a 1st rate on the OS you can still take it from them AND captain it if you want. And it solves people using nothing but captured AI connies/3rd rates for pvp as they can no longer captain AI captured ships. Boom, done, finished. Thank me later.
  10. People keep confusing me giving them advice with me being upset that they didn't release the patch. I haven't played but maybe 2 hours total in the past 5 days. Them releasing the patch does little for me at the current time. Though, them avoiding flak and public outcry again for setting a date and failing to meet that date is bad. I'm just letting them know to never give a date for release of a patch again to avoid things like that.
  11. Setting dates again and not following through? I could have swore I said something about this before... Just. Don't. Give. Dates.
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