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Jan van Santen

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Jan van Santen last won the day on July 21 2019

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  1. Hello Felix, as per usual a minor remark to your great work: Since ship compare "permanent" lists Cole pump, shouldnt Kitt's pump be there, too ?
  2. Hi Felix, as frequent user of your map I noticed yesterday that the PvE map is blank. All I see is the background, no ports, nothing else. At the same time war server map works as iusual
  3. Dangerous to quote that.... a 74 being faster and more agile than a 4th rate .. let alone the looting involved.
  4. Yes, but if devs were right, they would have spent near everything on ships of the line (leaving trade unprotected from privateers w fast ships....) And if we take battles as example: Nelsons fleet at Copenhagen: 12 ships of the line5 frigates7 bomb vessels6 sloops It all depends on which battle you want to use to support your point....
  5. The historical broader canvas : Royal Navy rating system in force during the Napoleonic Wars https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rating_system_of_the_Royal_Navy 1st rates 7 2nd 8 3rd 103 4th 10 5th 134 6th 25 unrated (smaller) 360 .
  6. The problem isnt numbers,, its the paradigm. Or if you prefer: the journey goes into the wrong direction. Why increase pen and hull thicknes if you have to decrease it to get closer to history, (which is perfectly possible w/o creating playability probs....) ...decrease would also solve the demast issue, (maybe fix the accuracy a bit, too) In reality masts came down because their stability was lost (ropes cut by chain shot...) That would only need a little gfx fix: 70% sail doesnt mean a lot of holes in the sails, but a lost top main mast eg.
  7. So why increase it even further ? You can now get it to 140+ (my alt has a 144 cm hull 4, tk(s)/wo(s) navy plank, navy struc LO on testbed.... A little extra to the historic values is fine, as she wasnt built lo/wo but european oak in France. If...you had built the historic LO with seasoned top quality lo and wo, she would indeed have a thicker hulll, but certainly not 140+ cm. Edit: https://ussconstitutionmuseum.org/2015/10/08/walking-the-plank/#:~:text=This combination of white and,is approximately 22 inches thick. This combination of white and live oak make up the ship’s “iron” sides. At the waterline, Constitution‘s hull is approximately 22 inches thick. And thats the entire point of it: faster than anything with guns heavy enough to penetrate that hull and to strong for anything that could race it....
  8. Depends on what iron at which distance against what wood from which position ....see your own example of the battle of Valparaiso. If iron would always win, the 32 pdr carronades of the Essex would have won the day, You are again oversimplifying. No good in a discussion about balancing Here is the video again to prove that iron doesnt always win, ive already linked a few times: https://www.zdf.de/dokumentation/terra-x/die-korsaren-freibeuter-der-meere-100.html (around 30 mins)
  9. Bad example .....it only worked because Essex lost her top main mast before battle and all 3 ships were at anchor during most of the fight https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Valparaíso thats not working in NA.....else id go floating battery neither is teaming up. A patch that makes it essential to team up to achieve things previously doable solo is no improvement. There needs to be a mechanism for uphill fights. Not in the "snow sinks LO" way, but to get challenging fights and also for eg fighting elites 1:1 Angling did that, and argueing with history is tricky, particularly in a thread were we discuss ships with 140 cm hull.... PS: what else is "sitting on stern quarter" other than using an angle aka angling ? Hit the target from an angle were it cant hurt you .....
  10. pen vs hull is okay for a duel between 2 (nearly ) equal ships ...but it was so before the testbed version already.... Whats out of balance now: 1) pen vs sailing (angling) any ship with heavy guns can now pen an angling weaker ship. Even ai can, so hello seal clubbing, bb uphill challenge Bad for PvE, eg in fighting heavy elites 2) pen/hull vs historical data 3) demasting 4) leaks are the new meta with that kind of superpen.
  11. Your base mast thicknes: 122. my Endymion on testbed has base mast thicknes 105 (see above) Right now, 172 can be penned at the current testbed build (which again I dont think is final) (these were taken from an Elite Wasa w my alt's LO on testbed)
  12. I assume this isnt the final version to hit life server..... But i was really "scared" 1) how easy super pen made the demast exam in tutorial... I made it on first try and with just 8 mast hits.... 2) ai Cerberuses pen this: (the super pen happens despite super armor...) This is an ai Trinco I just capped: 99hull on testbed, would be 75 (na-map) now: Next i tried the above Endymion vs a elite Trinco: Left after 20 mins since i could hardly do enough damage...
  13. same, as redeemable xp didnt show up after redeem, i deleted character...and lost my exp: but dlcs are still available. Hint: with the new mechanics tutorial is a lot easier now. Shoot roughly in the direction of the target....and the masts are gone Only issue is the boarding part, since you cant nudge into the wind anymore. Adding my intermediate (strictly PvE) pov: can't see any advantage in the current build. Pen is a joke and removes the fineties of angling. If i dont need angling anyway, why do I need an other sailing model at all ? Stack up on reload and reapair, go broadside towards ai and hammer it. I wouldnt call that any better than the previous.
  14. so I did the tutorials on tesbed..... for small ships both demasting and pen are way over the top... It took poor aim me a dozen times to do demast exam in the old model, now this: (first attempt, achieved with just 8 total mast hits....) Demasting wasnt as fast as the boarding I screenshotted, but still below avg time... On doing the endurance exam, i noticed that when sailing paralell and fireing close range, i did damage both sides of the target equally while its core stayed intact.... Is that the new "overpen" ?
  15. Community moderators would only work if they had access to players true identity, else a banned player can simply change name/nation.... Thats a power I would not like to see in the hands of community (aka players) On PvE its simply not needed, as chat isnt toxic my apologies if some of the cooking recipes i posted in global turned out to be toxic On PvP idk enough to propose anything, but also: no community mods should have in depth access to personal data (if that is legit at all ?)
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