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  1. With all due respect, what will this prove? That people who like hanging around on forums also like chatting in game?
  2. Map reset is clearly not compatible with the current game design (grind, high cost of the building / port investment, etc.), but it better be part of the next game. Importantly, the total map conquest makes no sense to me at all. IMHO, at least half of the ports (or maybe more) have to belong to the historically present powers and immune for capturing (not to raiding though), with RvR focused on conquest of the capturable ports, ownership of which should offer some advantages. With fewer ports to fight for, (i) there will be a higher local player concentration in RvR, (ii) lost wars will be bearable and nations / clans will be able to pull out, regroup, and then continue fighting, (iii) new players will have safe base to learn the game and build up their infra. Players up for a challenge would go minor nations, but will have to rebuild after each wipe. Again, this would require significant changes in the infra investments, removal/rethinking of the port bonuses etc. Next game, I hope.
  3. Very good summary. I am also nostalgic about the times when less was more. It's like in that Chinese saying: Lady Li had few vices, whereas Lady Yu had few virtues (or smth like that). Guess which lady NA is? Do not get me wrong, the changes do sound interesting, but what's the point in a complex battle mechanics when to fully enjoy it you need to put insane amount of hrs into debilitating grind or just pay the big buck?
  4. Probably, yes. New players are probably still wanted for they are the potential DLC buyers.
  5. Devs keep changing the game big time. So, they have already triggered all the mines. Non-ship DLC will remain unchanged I guess. Ship DLCs might and should (imho) be fine-tuned in line with changes in main game. To begin with, DLC ships should not be breakable. That is wrong. Period! (btw, I owe quite a few DLC ships).
  6. Loki is still a good practice vs human opponent. Chaining NPC/loki ship from very start to 70-80% solves the issue of running and put you in charge of the fight. That is normally just one proper chain broadside and perhaps a bit of chaser chaining. Do not be lazy, captains!
  7. That must the fleet led by the ghost of the certain Adm. Sveno ...
  8. What a waste of speed mods lol (even before the new woods patch). Still a decent trader hunter :))
  9. Here is my take on this new woods saga. timing and implementation was rather uninspired: first standard and S woods had to be tweaked to make other combinations feasible (long due). That alone would add variety in ship building. With that balanced, new woods could be added, perhaps not all at once but gradually (3-4 at a time). since woods are meant to be rare, best would be to let them drop from various chests randomly and in limited amount and also make AI traders carry them from time to time, encouraging people to sail and compete for the traders. That would create additional incentive to go in OW and would create a rare wood aftermarket, which would benefit all players. finally, I am not an expert in ship building, but I can imagine that masts were made from hard seasoned wood, normally oaks? In view of the issues with balancing the mast strength, a third wood option in crafting that would determine the mast stats is in order, I suppose. This would allow in long term to better balance the mast thickness and HP. Just a thought.
  10. I am all for more accessible woods, but your proposal will beat the purpose of these woods to be rare and would favor (larger) clans leaving casual/sole player or small groups in the dust.
  11. Or acting boldly and having a good fight ... I am for no names in OW and no in-battle chat (breaks the immersion). As for the topic of this thread, I guess it would not hurt to reveal names after 10 mins or so in battle.
  12. Уважаемые разработчики, в связи с текущими массивными изменениями, позволю спросить есть ли новости / планы по поводу battle sail механики? А то вот всё с ног на голову меняют, а о самом главном "тишина и мёртвые с косами".
  13. Реверс, не передёргивай: фрегаты всегда можно было строгать в больших количествах. А даблы и потом с дерево действительно тормозили крафт для среднестатистического игрока.
  14. ха-ха, кооператив "Триньки и сурпы" нарашивает производство ...
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