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About Duque

  • Birthday 08/21/1968

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. Que lástima da tanto odio, entre jugadores Españoles. Con todos mis respetos, esto es un juego. Nada más. Y lo que debería de ser es un punto de reunión y que sirviera para disfrutar todos de una afición en común, es un lugar donde parece que hay que sacar todo el odio y la frustración que tenemos. Paras dramas ya tenemos la vida real, dejemos los dramas fuera y disfrutemos de un excepcional juego en un buen ambiente. Deberíamos de estar todos más unidos, evitar protagonismos y evitar tanto drama y odios innecesarios. Así no vamos a ninguna parte. Respeto y tolerancia para todos, por favor
  2. Yes all ideas are very nice. Cosmetic shop are very good one! but its good idea to make this company earn money I like much more this game ! thx for ideas!
  3. Dear sir i have a suggestion for you. Looks like your only income is the prize of the software. All good games are supporting by a monthly subscription. A little subscription who gives a little percent of experience and gold would be great for the future of the game. If people dont gain money, the things tends to go bad at last. Other idea is to place a Cash shop with aesthetic items, flags, special ships, or special permits by money. A lot of players would be happy to help you to continue developing the game. Just a suggestion i wouldnt like this game could disappear. I enjoy it too much Thx a lot
  4. Indeed !!!! we need more victims to burn, destroy or take as a prize!!!
  5. I believe that you must answer your own question. Besides, EVE online has a one unique server and play without problems shards of 35000 players at a time. Divide players between servers are very bad for the future of the game. All of us we know that in a future, a server merge will be a must. Do it now for the wealth of this marvellous game. One PVE and one PVP server its enough, overall when your name and experience are saved in both.
  6. "DE ILUSIONES VIVE EL TONTO DE LOS COJONES!!!" (Refrán Español) (SPANISH PROVERB) La marina americana solo ganáis en publicidad. A este periódico sensacionalista se le olvida comentar que ayer, un grupo de valerosos marinos españoles que tienen su residencia fijada en lo mas profundo de su territorio, con un grupo de 5 bergantines españoles, hundieron, quemaron o tomaron como premio unos 10 barcos casi todos de categoría muy superior. Los americanos no sólo ven impotentes nuestras incursiones salvajes en lo mas profundo del corazón americano sino que asisten con sus lágrimas a aumentar el volumen del mar. Nosotros los españoles, acostumbrados a pelear en una guerra de guerrillas en la que históricamente la marina y el ejército americano dejan mucho que desear, vamos a intensificar nuestras acciones de comando, vamos a capturar más barcos cada día, vamos a conseguir llevar el terror en los corazones y en las mentes de la marina americana, sobre todo cuando en este pobre periodico de noticias basura y de mentiras orquestadas a fin de intentar aumentar el coraje de sus pobres marineros. Este periodico mentiroso y ridiculo, no quiere comentaros las numerosas pérdidas que la valiente armada española inflinge a diario en su propia casa. No dejéis que os mientan! La verdad está ahi fuera...y hace daño a la marina americana. Nos veremos pronto, recogiendo la madera quemada de vuestros navíos. US Navy only earn on advertising. this newspaper forgets to mention that yesterday, a group of Spanish sailors, the brave spaniards, whose residence set in the depths of their territory, with a group of 5 Spanish brigs, sunk, burned or taken as a prize some 10 ships almost all category far superior. Americans not only are powerless seeing our wild forays into the depths of the American heart, but attend with their tears to increase the volume of the sea. We Spaniards, used to fight a guerrilla war in which historically Navy and the US Army are very poor, we will intensify our actions command, we will capture more boats every day, we will bring the terror to the hearts and minds of the US navy, especially when in this poor newspaper tell lies in a desperate way, orchestrated to try to increase the courage of his poor sailors. This newspaper is ridiculous, not to mention to the many losses the brave Spanish army inflicts daily at their own gates. Do not let people lie! The truth is out there ... and hurt the US Navy. See you soon, collecting pieces of burning wood from your ships!!!
  7. Thats real thing. Please DEVS dont hear all the people. the widespread belief that all opinions are valid is a lie! It is like saying that all tastes are respectable and good. It is not like this! If there is a person who is eating garbage because he likes, does not mean it's good and largely not respectable. DEVS watch post, and how many players you have in this great game? the other day there were more than 2400 people on the server. Now look at how many different names are posting, few people carrying on the surveys. The vast majority enjoys the game you have created. Follow your vision and further develop a game that you enjoy as players. You will not be far from the truth and what players we want to see in Naval Action. Do not forget that those who write and complain on the forums almost always the same whiners who have lost a boat and can not stand to feel themselves defeated. Sick people without life! People with no social lives that their world is the computer and has to be the way they want. DO NOT! The large player base is happy with your address, if each these beings without social life cry wants change the game at their convenience, the end will come, the great mass of players will go and they stayed ... will be alone and go away too not having anyone to demonstrate that with its outstanding boat are the masters of the universe. Think of the great mass of players, especially in people who will come from Steam. A dynamic game and live to attract and amuse. Do not difficult to raise the character and become an extensive work like work in real life, make it fun and exciting. But please do not listen to the few whiners and never better spoken, you lose the course and bearing Well done DEVS
  8. I delete and did another account. Marko Ramius see you in game sir
  9. Sorry, paying $40 for a game wont allow you to be as rude as you want. If you want be rude and attack and do all you want become pirate. This is a great game and we dont need here people who doesnt show respect for aother players. Ths is a great improvement patch.
  10. Great news. But besides the group XP and the possibility to share the missions, what about to the difficulty from 6 and above level missions? It would be necessary to do missions without so much difficulty in levels from 6 and above, when you're alone. Upload the difficulty if you go in a group. Now if you are alone, is really hard to finish the missions. We come to enjoy, to make the game a challenge, not a job. Congratulations preventing npcs can disengage from the battle, I lost ships when an npc unhooked 5 times in a row and this is impossible might happen. Great job and thank you very much.
  11. I did a new account. Marko Ramius I would like to join
  12. Here Duque de Osuna i would like to join. i like pvp and here mature player from POTSB
  13. Dear friend i am interested. I have a Pirate, but i would like to enjoy a good guild and good players and friends too. Here mature player with a lot of hours in POTBS. I am MArauder. Only problem, to begin again a char But i would be ready to do it. Are you in PVP 1 EU? Best Regards Duque de Osuna
  14. I think Devs that you could implement tha afk timer at least one hour. One hour is enough to test your heading and where are you and enough to kick the afkers. It's just my personal opinion.
  15. I think this game maintains proper simulator part and maintains, the appropriate part of simplicity to make it exciting, not boring. Imagine reality!!! how many days we would be sailing from Charleston to Caracas in real in that old fashion navy style?
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