Always a pleasure, Thonar!
I think you hit the nail on the head there. We are at the moment unable to defeat you in an offensive portbattle. Too many players getting the ranks and who need to practice, me first, in sailing in proper lines. I think one of our points is indeed the issue of timers. You claim to be all open for PvP but those times limit us greatly and make you sit in ports for hours on end refusing to come out. Its the right thing to do from your perspective but for overall fun, not so much. I would fear the day we start to beat you in portbattles.
I take it you refer to our Open World performance on the second problem? Thusfar I have seen us being alot better in those encounters. Plenty of eager captains of all ranks, great sceeningfleets and a bigger presence on the open seas.
It seems we are at a stalemate at the moment. But I don't think peace or even a ceasefire is going to happen. That ship has sailed.
Anyhow, looking forward to fight again! Godspeed!