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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. As soon as player production will come in, i'd like to see missions regarding that topic (es, mine X lb of Y), produce A of B
  2. I Voted 'Other' since i think that all are good. Players should be given the possibility to chose between the name. Every name should be connected with a limited amount of player. Ex. Squadron = 10 max. etc
  3. I know how you feel bro... happend the same to me with another Game...
  4. Thanks man, very appreciated
  5. I'm thinking when NA will have online 10k? 15k? Players online at the same moment... think about that...
  6. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/9563-upcoming-patches-this-week/ it's the idea behind the next upcoming patch. Anyway. In many MMORPG you choose a faction and you stick with it.
  7. I voted for teleport being fully deleted. The main problem, IMHO, is the PvP. Let's imagine that a nation attacks an important conquerable city with many outpost. As soon as they attack they would encounter hundreds of player teleporting to the outpost for defending the city... That in my opinion is very unacceptable. Secondo, teleport is being abused right one in trading... no more words needed in this topic.
  8. Nice idea! The Servers are already crying for this possible implemention though
  9. I've read a topic about weather influencing ports' production. I'd like to see nature having an impact on the game... I suppose it would be very hard to implement...
  10. I like it. so far other ships can partecipate in the acting boarding by shooting at the ships involved in the boarding. It would be a nice addition! +1
  11. Ragazzi mettete un +1 a questo post. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7836-italian-section-suggestion dobbiamo farci sentire per avere una sezione tutta nostra!
  12. Let me +1 again this post! Spread the word!
  13. I'll accept a Santissima Trinidad as a reward in my dock... Hehe just joking! Thanks to you devs for the effort first time i see such dialogue between the players and the devs
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