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Potemkin last won the day on April 7 2020

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About Potemkin

  • Birthday 05/23/1990

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    Upstate NY, USA

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  1. This meme is an embarrassment, just like BASTD in even battles.
  2. Lol at people arguing historical accuracy after teleport to PB was added. At least give the average player 2 regular TPs per 24 hrs if we're letting battle groups poof around the map.
  3. Yeah, because they can craft, trade and fight in russia on their mains.
  4. Teleport to PB is just another step towards less pvp, fewer battles, and fewer players. It completely removed screening from the game and the most idiotic thing about it is that that was the intent. From what i understand it was "replaced" with more PvE hostility. Its one of the dumbest ideas to be implemented in this game to date and the people who lobbied for it should re-insert their heads into their asses so we dont get any more great advice. It shuts out national players who arent in the pb from participating in RvR that may directly affect their ability to craft and ultimately play the game. Many many times screening not only created content for more players than were in the actual PBs, but the screening battles were occasionally far more fun than the PBs themselves. On top of all that, the more expensive you make the teleport to limit its use the more you ensure it will only be used by the squads and nations that need it least. Great decision removing more pvp opportunities on a pvp server in a dying game because of butthurt players who play in stacked nations with no real threats.
  5. Saw a fun one the other day where you can open up a bow of a ship, then do unlimited structure dmg firing directly perpendicular into the bow section from broadside. Pen mods ftw i guess.
  6. Cartagena Squadron (Spain) 1732-1760 Would love to see this one in-game i doubt anyone checks this thread anymore though
  7. All i ever see certain players do is just pull up, tank broadsides and dismast using pen mods. Once the second mast falls thats gg. Honestly i dont blame people for saying hello kitty that and trying to find an actual fun engagement. "you should try your best at the start" basically just means get close enough to me so i can demast you and then its too late, free kill/ship for you. The other fun one is to wait for the other player to pop hull rep then do what i just described, and its 100% possible because you can just mindlessly eat dmg while pressing spacebar and the person thats better at pressing spacebar brings home the bacon. Duelist gameplay is lame as hello kitty. In larger battles you dont need to mind names because people usually dont have time to pull gamey shit like that.
  8. This happens every time changes are announced. Im surprised its only 9 pages so far.
  9. I only log on for pz, everything else is roleplay nowadays
  10. The game favors dedicated organizers. Most of them have burnt out and left over the years. Apparently all thats left opposing russia are the impotent whine asses who are either ok with squabbling amonst each other, whining on the forum, collaborating, or all 3.
  11. Do yourself a favor and take a break from video games you hello kittyin wierdo
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