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Juan Alfonso

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Everything posted by Juan Alfonso

  1. This is a problem on the pvp2 server. I am under the impression that pirate mechanics are indeed under review and thus are subject to change. Your recommendations are stipulated on many threads and I do agree with the idea that pirates should not act like a true nation. Just be patient my friend; our concerns shall be adressed in due time
  2. I honestly do not believe many people will use the fleets. Last night I tried the mechanic out by making my rattlesnake into a fleet ship. All I found was an AI ship that had a tendency to sail into my Ingermanland.
  3. Should I start making meatballs for our content patch party?
  4. TSM - The Swedish Meatballs 2 Active meatballs Members... Sverige
  5. In regards to a possible imbalance nation wise; it is my opinion that though many players will switch to USA, some may choose to switch nations or something of the like. We will just have to wait and see. Eagerly awaiting the next content patch to see what it'll give us.
  6. Let us not forget that many vessels that were in service during the specified time period, such as the Santissima Trinidad & HMS Victory were indeed quite 'old' by the standards of the time period. The santi's keel was laid in 1769 and the Vic's in 1759, furthermore ships were constantly being re purposed or upgraded so therefore having a mix of older/newer vessels is completely plausible. In regards to limiting the US navy to only a small number of SOLs, the fact is that whilst only a small number of american first-rates were indeed commissioned, they did have the plans & infrastructure to build ships of the desired calibre in this time period.
  7. I would humbly ask a moderator to lock this topic. The purpose was to simply alert people on pvp2 that Spain has people in it again. I will not be akin to the 'wipe Spain off the map' stuff that always seems to come around, for I have not played the game for a few days (exams ) and thus do not know what's been going on. Nor do I wish a number of people to try and pull players from our server. People who find a problem with the players of pvp2 not wanting a 'merge' should, respectfully, wait to see if a merge actually happens. The key word in the admin's post is Potential. Territorial discussions regarding ports or things of the like are conducted in game or via direct communication methods like teamspeak. Not this thread.
  8. This is a great idea, definitely would love to see this implemented
  9. The general consensus of the Spanish Nation is that we wish to remain a neutral entity in server politics until we are more established. Therefore we are forming no formal alliances with any single nation in order to avoid dragging Spain into wars we cannot win. However we are indeed interested in a non-aggression pact with the United States and a port agreement. In short, we would like to have control of the entire western Cuban coastline, from matanzas to San Lazaro including the British Island containing the ports of Santa-Fe, Dauguilla, Cocodrillo & Siguanea. For the time being however we desire to retake the core spanish ports, Bahia Honda and Mariel when time would permit, and we will certainly give ample notice in when we want to launch a flag for these ports. Fair Winds fellow captains - Juan Alfonso IV of the House of Castella
  10. France back would be awesome too Regarding the notion of port hopping/swapping, Spain will not be engaging in such endeavours. All ports that might be captured for the nation shall be retained and defended to the best of our ability
  11. Hola Captains! Spain has been a hollow nation for a great while, and the time has come to bring her back to life! Myself and two other friends have decided to make the move, and this is a formal call to arms for all those who wish to aid in the rebuilding of our proud nation! We will do our best to supply ships, gold and resources to any who should join, and assist any who wish to bring over their vessels. As the leader of USE - The United Shipwrights of España I humbly ask that diplomatic channels be opened once again to our nation, to help and indeed allow us to restore our proud nation. Good Winds and Fair Weather to you fellow captains, Juan Alfonso de Castella
  12. I joined Spain first on PvP2 because of my own family history. I am a member of the house Habsburg-Lothringen and thus chose Spain because of the family's rule in the 17th century. Also because Austria isn't a part of the game so it was the next best thing
  13. +1 Also, we should establish a formal set of rules governing this fight club. For instance, we shouldn't talk about it.
  14. New Edition up lads, Apologies for the lateness, Many things occurred today ~ Juan
  15. In regards to how the Spaniards could be built once more, I've started negotiations with the parties interested in the area. They have offered several degrees of support from ships to simple ceasefires to establish an actual base again. Havana has an abundance of Iron Ore, Coal, Oak and Speciality goods produced in the city alone. When I was spanish at the start of the game we really only needed the ports immediately around Havana to craft vessels. Cuba is an economic jewel compared to the other starting positions.
  16. Hehe maybe I can be a war correspondent for each nation
  17. Hi Guys It's come up recently that perhaps, for greater PvP and enjoyment the Spanish Nation should be rebuilt. Therefore I've started this thread just to get a general feeling from our server's population, and perhaps to organise formal agreements regarding the resurrection of the nation, should people want it Regards, Juan
  18. If you chaps are still looking for moderators on PvP2, I'll be happy to apply. IGN: Lord Frederick de Villaret I'm a British Captain, active every day and have noticed quite a lot of toxic behaviour on global over the past few days. Whilst the server pop is small compared to others, I would still very much like to assist in cleaning the behaviour up a bit. I've played since steam release back in January & am Currently part of the AUS clan on the server. I look forward to helping you guys in the future
  19. The Next Edition : - Enjoy gents, any suggestions for layout etc. are welcome - Juan
  20. We'll see about that in due time XD <3 Next Article will be up shortly
  21. Yeah I was surprised too, was expecting 'em to hit over to Antonio
  22. Hi Chaps, This is where I'm gonna post a daily newspaper regarding the events regarding the British Empire in pvp2 Regards, Juan
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