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Forlorn Hope

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About Forlorn Hope

  • Birthday 01/01/2015

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  1. And just like that, Pirates are just another nation...
  2. The game no longer has ‘Easter Eggs’, it once was fun to sail to random out of the way ports because every once in a while they would have valuable drops of goodies. That feature is gone. Out of the way ports have Jack & Squat. There is zero fun in just sailing around. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  3. That's if you are luck enough for them not to hang up, crash, or freeze. They are a joke, NOT worth the effort. Just put the same time into missions, at least they work.
  4. SHUNT; ...there is nothing worse than a customer who feels they are been ignored or not wanted ... There must be 4000+ players in the 100 hour to 200 hour user base that are that customer. Why did they quit? Will they come back, maybe... These players are the player base after a launch. They bought a game, based upon a theme that interested them. This base may put another 20-30 hours in AFTER a launch. I had 3000+ hours, I have no more time until this is a game again. If they find themselves staring at a sailing screen saver or running for their lives and sinking at a high rate, they log and never come back.
  5. clint200w.webp
  6. Why can't we see the wind direction from the port view?
  7. Yeah, most of the changes are 'time wasters' Devs do not understand forcing ppl to sail just means lots of RA types sailing around in cutters. My wife already thinks this game is just a sailing screen saver.
  8. It will be fun! Just like when the Vikings immigrated into 9th century Europe...
  9. No I do not have video, I have no idea how to do that, sorry I brought it up, enjoy your game. Over and out.
  10. Yes this is serious, and NO they are not aiming better than me that would be fine, they are having results that are statistically impossible. So yes somewhere, somehow they have a distinct advantage. I do not know if the Devs provided it, i.e. as part of a test-Mod still being developed. The individuals created a hack, or have discovered an exploit. I watched as 3 shot rounds hit a mast at exactly the same time, in exactly the same place, fractions of a second later same thing happen to a second mast. So not only are they better at aiming, they can delay and sequence shot pattern. I am not the only one in the game that has had this same thing, one play reported watch the shot, from a ship 500-600 meters away, curve into his masts, maybe they are bowlers and can "mind-meld" the direction of the ball.
  11. Over the last week or so there seems to be a new element in the game. I have had TWO battles with a player from clan OCEAN, and one with clan SORRY. The new development is that in all of these battles, my opponents have demasted my ship several time and multiple masts lost each time. Other players on my side in these battles have had the same experience. They never miss, from any angle, any distance. The SORRY player commented, after demasting 4 separate ships two times each; “I finally getting the hang of this demast thing.” I do not know if this is a new Pirate perk, if so why clan OCEAN, or MOD being tested. If so, it is way over the top and gives a significant advantage to players with this advantage. I currently have 1100 hours playing this game. I really like it and the overall direction it has been moving, but this seems like we have just become mobile targets for a select few.
  12. Using current wreck scenario, I would like to see “Ghost” ships, like The Flying Dutchman or abandon ships like Mary Celeste. Could be in all parts of sea, but mostly in large open areas. They should not be too prevalent, but findable. Abandon drifting ships, would be drifting hulks, much like current wrecks, only available for anyone, not from a bottle. Ghost ships should look like ghost ships, wire frame maybe, white or grey, they would be at full sail and have to be chased down and boarded. Ghost ships should only appear for 15-20 minutes, and then disappear for a while. “Reports of sightings” would be posted or available with Co-Ord info of sightings, some false, some valid. Ships should have really good rewards, but hard to find. If possible battle scenarios might occur, where single or groups’ missions vie to capture and board these ships before other side does it first. I would like to see a button that would post a players ship Co-ords to chat.
  13. i am a bit confused about the new surrender. Fire I understand, one is on fire or not. But sinking, am I sinking, the moment I start taking of water, a quarter, Half?
  14. 1. The ability to have Clan or group OP's that can share space and maybe ships. 2. The ability to purchase extra berthing space, like we do extra warehouse space. 3. Fleets, NPC, maybe player, display a small national flag, a number that represents the number of ships in the fleet. 4. Little people, bots, that fish, walk back and forth, the odd fishing boat pulled up on a beach, basically signs of life in the OW. Some guy fishing on a dock, doesn't have to move or interact.
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