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  1. Was proposed several times already. Sadly not gonna happen.
  2. I guess it isn't the goal of the game to solve homophobia, racism and toxicity. Would be a bit much to ask for. Blocking the means to spread them is a first step in the right direction, however.
  3. Can we have a nation wide help chat, please? I know, captains can ask in nation chat already but with all the traffic there questions might drown in the noise.
  4. you can spawn where you want. Doesn't have to be Shroud Cay or KPR. take a basic cutter, sail into the south and be alone. Even Tumbado should be pretty empty if you're aiming for big ship PvE.
  5. yes, sqm are meant. If you are on a sail boat and hoist and trim the first sail your boat will start moving. Let's say you set 10sqm of sail and your boat accelerates to 2kn of speed. If you set another sail with 10sqm your boat will not accelerate to 4kn but only to 3kn. So, the second 10sqm you hoisted are not as effective to boat speed as the first 10sqm. Boat speed is not a linear function of the sail area. There will be a speed which is the highest achievable speed of the boat. Setting still more sail area will not make your boat faster anymore.
  6. You can open the hold of your fleet ship and destroy enough cargo to get it going again. This is no bug. click „f“ and swipe to right to find your fleet ship. Open hold by clicking on it.
  7. This one is interesting. (The other changes too, but I’m especially interested in all things regarding sailing.) Somewhere else you stated that the first sail being set is much more important to the ship’s speed than the last one being set of the whole rig. That is true. The same is valid for wind shadows. A reduction of wind power by 33% due to eddies etc. will not lead to a speed reduction of 33%. The impact on speed will be much lower (about one order of magnitude). Will that be considered? Other questions: Will the wind shadow be as big as in reality and shaped like a cone? Will the impact of the wind shadow vary with distance to the ship? Will the impact of the wind shadow on the ship‘s speed vary with time as the ship is seeping inertia over time? Meaning: crossing a wind shadow has almost no impact on the speed because it takes only a very short time. Sailing alongside in a wind shadow, however, has a much bigger impact over time. Actually I’m a bit worried that there will be a block shaped wind shadow with 100% impact over it‘s whole area and 0 impact everywhere else. But I do trust your attention to detail and your dedication to get things as realistic as possible.
  8. You don’t need math (facts) anymore as soon as you can vote. Proven concept. or, we’ll.....
  9. So, 30 to 100 chased by small fleets, 101 and above chased by the big juicy ones.
  10. Not really relevant anymore but just so that you know exactly which one is coming for you: large is 101(!) and above small is 31(!) and up to 100 afaik Xebec is BR 100
  11. Doesn't work for me since last patch. Anybody else or is it just me?
  12. that is a feature, not a bug. It weas announced by admin that rewards vary even for identical missions when missions were introduced.
  13. easier: if a Loki runs and is able to escape, just the player escapes. The ai ship remains in battle and starts fighting
  14. ummm, he was in a Loki ship. As you haven't been active for a while, do you know the rules of Lokis? If you run and escape you do get exactly nothing. You can't keep the ship. The Loki did not risk anything as it wasn't his ship at all. So, in what way would you redesign the game if people run that literally have nothing to loose instead of fighting what they came for?
  15. your example shows that you did not understand the new karma mechanic. Please read the initial post by admin and the following explanation before you complain. The mechanic in your example would indeed be garbage. But this is NOT the mechanic announced by admin.
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