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Naval Games Community

Jack Marslow

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Jack Marslow's Achievements

Ordinary seaman

Ordinary seaman (2/13)



  1. As a British player I'd say Jamaica. Anywhere between pirate and US ports. Anywhere around Mortimer Town / St Nics.
  2. Coming to save France eh pirates?
  3. I have also seen many issues regarding the circle. It being. Different sizes for different people and such. I reported it long ago, and had it on video, but I guess we needed to lose a few santis to it for it to get addressed,
  4. Pubbies are Public players. I.e. Players with no clan. It is not a derogatory term at all. Pubbies are very very useful if they are interested in helping out. Pubbies make excellent screening forces while the Clans fight the Port Battles that usually require lots of team work and experience in a full 25v25. I fing love pubbies. Some pubbies also play long enough and get enough experience that they become as proficient as any clan player. At that point you have a super pubbie. They are regularly brought into important battles too.
  5. I don't see a European coalition against pirates on PvP1 ever happening. Everyone is too focused trying to bash on the British and the Pirates are allied with whatever factions are dominated by the Russian player base.
  6. It seems a vast majority of the time most people's idea of fun in this game is to make everyone else's expiences as awful as possible.
  7. Britian is under attack from 4 different nations. France, Danes, Spanish, and pirates. It is in our best interest to end the fight as quickly as possible. Our nation also is spread out over every time zone on the server. Timers are being set that way to end the fight so we can focus on other areas. Sorry man that's how it's gotta be till RVR gets reworked. Good fights though. I loved bringing the cavalry to save the day and Haulover!
  8. IMO the pavel needs a bit of a buff for its firepower. It's barely above the 3rd rates and the Vic and Santi blow it away. It should get 9s or 12s on its first deck IMO
  9. I don't think Fireship should be something you can activate. It would be pretty easy to ruin someones day with it. How would the timer for the explosion work? I like Fenix's idea the best. Abandon ship if you want to fireship. The fire explosion time would have to be mildly random though.
  10. You have to do at 1 second left. It requires 60ish prep.
  11. you could have ended that way faster. Attack into brace. It works.
  12. *Your character has been moved from your server to a different one because*
  13. Didn't you quit and uninstall?
  14. War and Peace/ Pirates & Nationals goals RvR could use a few tweaks in the mean time. Just slow it down a little bit.
  15. Nope. I missed this "feature" as OP called it too.
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