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Everything posted by qw569😳

  1. If players cannot united for kick Russian Empire from Caribbean then players will fight against NPC. I think it is more correct. All topics can be rephrased. We are so lazy, let the developers do something with the Russian Empire
  2. I missed Marsh Harbour which open door to these regions.
  3. For reduce population of Russian Empire need to capture only 6 ports. Rum Cove North Inlet Kidd's Harbour Saint George's Town Flatts Somerset Maybe Saint George's Town and Kidd's Harbour will be enough.
  4. My friend Mishka and I are very impressed with how it looks in Discord.
  5. You can color the text yourself. (link)
  6. imho Faster to do it yourself than wait for the developers
  7. How do you think which battle will opened: Pandora (BR100) attack Niagara without full crew (BR 88) Niagara without full crew (BR 88) attack Pandora (BR100)
  8. Посмеешь оспорить?
  9. IMHO You do not need the help of the nation. Your clan have one of the biggest online (almost the same as Sverige). And very strange read about 13 players from 53 online
  10. Yesterday the maximum online was 1111. Distribution of players by nation at 20:30 (UTC) July, 28. Accuracy 83.33%
  11. Clan leader board by all nations Information was collected 28.07.2019 20:30 UTC Maximum By PVP Kill Maximum By PVE Kill Maximum By PVP K/D PVP K/D have bug. Clans that have kills and no death have KIll K / D = 1 Raw data
  12. To see complete picture of crafted ships need to calculate players who have no access to port bonus. Crafted ships without bonuses Where was crafted and number of crafters columns are Port, Ships, Crafters,1st Rate
  13. Grouping by nation is difficult for me because some ports change owner. [24-07-2019 19:52 UTC] San Marcos captured by SCUM (Russian Empire). Previous owner: SH (España) [25-07-2019 19:47 UTC] Port-au-Prince captured by AIB (Verenigde Provinciën). Previous owner: WTF (Pirates)
  14. Data 22.07.2019 11:00 UTC - 26.07.2019 09:30 UTC Crafted ships with bonuses Where was crafted and number of crafters
  15. Maybe I fix this soon (in 1-2 days)
  16. Такое раньше было (несовпадение кнопок), когда игра запускалось в нестандартном разрешении.. Ну а так Вы сами можете себе разукрасить текс этой формы отредактировав языковой файл (каталог languages) Найти, напримере _English.csv "Port/InventoryItem/Destroy/Message","Are you sure that you want to destroy {0}?" заменить "Port/InventoryItem/Destroy/Message","<b><color=#FF0000FF>Are you sure that you want to destroy {0}?</color></b>" Получиться так А можно и саму кнопку подсветить. Найти "Port/InventoryItem/DestroyButton","Destroy" Заменить "Port/InventoryItem/DestroyButton","<color=#FF0000FF>Destroy</color>" Получиться так.
  17. I use google application scripts (GAS). And even an empty account (without any tasks other than Mishka) regularly received a message from Google about reaching the limit. Therefore, so far only Twitter and Calendar.
  18. Added to many paint in API. Some of them have funny names Added blueprint of Leopard
  19. I think better add option Do not show additional paints and flags.
  20. It's Homunculus loxodontus
  21. I found new item in API 2079 Raid Item
  22. Со многими? Это какой процент от только что купивших? Или может ты по своим стримам скажешь? Я согласен, что твой стрим один из самых популярных по этой игре. Но за 30 дней в среднем его смотрели 29 человек с пиком 125.
  23. Stop talking about new players. New player (who has just bought the game) don't know what is patrol zone. They don't know about tutorial. They do not know how to change the language. No one knows what new players feel.
  24. Скорость поворота рей - RHEA_TURN_SPEED и вряд ли это синоним SHIP_TURNING_SPEED_RHEAS.
  25. Так звучит перевод SHIP_TURNING_SPEED_RHEAS
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