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Able seaman

Able seaman (3/13)



  1. No. Small ships have 5 Dura, the biggest have 1. This isn't just for the sake of the economy, which it DOES effect regardless of how you skew it, but this also effects gameplay massively. 1st rates are very expensive and valuable, you get sunk/captured once it's gone. This method helps to stop the game being saturated with 1st/2nd/3rd rates and helps us see a more varied class of ship on the seas. IMO even the Frigate Class ships are all easily replaced with gold, I don't understand why people are so scared of losing a durability on a ship, what else are they going to spend their gold on? it adds attrition, you can't sail your perfect ship forever, you'll need to replace it. I'd hate to see the durability go away.
  2. Crafting ships should need a lot of time investment to start seeing good profits, no one should be earning a fortune crafting basic 7th and 6th rate ships from day 1, just like you can't sail out. The issue still remaining is the players themselves, part of that is what you quoted from me, artificial inflation. If more material was widely available at more reasonable prices, half the problem would be solved, more ship crafters would sell their ships at reasonable prices and still earn a profit. What are you trying to suggest though, that we should raise the prices of the NPC Ships to above the ridiculous prices players are trying to sell their shitty Brig for? won't the people responsible for the artificial inflation just raise the price some more to match the new profits of ship crafters?. Some people are massively overestimating the worth of their ships just because they payed out of their arse to buy the materials, sadly there are some naive and new players who fall into the trap of buying these Basic ships from players that they could have bought for half the price from the Ports ship generator. So really the shafted crafters are just shafting the new players too, this is why I just buy the Ports Basic Ships and not the players, they're stupid prices and I don't want to give profit to someone who happily cons newbs just because he thinks the value of a ship = the price he payed for the materials to make it. We can't remove the Basic generated Port ships either, because then the crafters would just have stupidly priced ships for sell to match the big profits the people responsible for artificial inflation are making. That will force everyone to either buy their massively over priced ships if they ever want one themselves, or possibly just force the majority to craft their own and completely kill the ship selling market. There really has to be a throttle on the artificial inflation and I do think that will help stabilize the economy and give more profit and strength to the ship builders, who will in turn be able to price their ships more reasonably while still turning a bit of profit until they can craft some high quality 5th+ rate ships, if there is a throttle that I am unaware of, it doesn't seem to be working, or at least it's not harsh enough.
  3. I thought a big part of the issue was also the people buying up all the Iron ore and other materials from all the ports with the sole intent of selling it for 2-3x the purchase price to other players, even within the same ports that they have purchased it from, am I wrong?. At least that's what I saw people complaining about many a time, that would be a huge reason why ship building is not very profitable for anyone that can't be there to purchase Iron Ore etc constantly from the ports themselves, or they can buy very little but not enough to allow a focus on crafting something. Isn't it just basically artificial inflation? Just seems like a broken system that benefits only the people able to keep buying up all the iron ore before everyone else, while completely shafting the people with less time and mostly the casuals who just want to craft. I have stayed away from crafting and trading because it just seems a bit of a mess, I certainly don't have the time to spend scraping together materials to try build a ship. The prices people are trying to sell their basic ships for in ports is probably an example of this.
  4. We don't need an option to do that, with the option available you will just be gimping yourself in PvP if you don't use it. The only thing I'd like to see is a "draggable" compass template of some kind on the map, so you could drag it over the location you want to sail from and get your basic general direction. The player would still need to judge his own distance traveled and whereabouts after traveling for some time, but this is basically what I am just doing with tdamaps website anyway, using the map compass to give me a direction and then using my head to make sure I get to where I want to go.
  5. If they do it everyday then it's obviously needed everyday. I'm sure they will make an automatic port flipping system, but that doesn't mean we wont have daily maintenance, we could still have them each day, although they would probably get shorter, more of a server reset etc unless a patch is being put in place, but it helps keep the servers stable, they really aren't sure yet just how much the game and servers can handle This wouldn't be the only game to have a daily maintenance either, plus it's just Alpha and this isn't PotBS, so that's completely irrelevant.
  6. There will be more American ships, but there are also plenty of other Nations that still need more Ships, be patient, each Nation will get some love in time. The only 4th Rate in the game right now is an American Ship, the Connie, it's an awesome ship too.
  7. For the foreseeable future, probably. As Olav pointed out, it's server AND map maintenance, they have to manually do some things to the OW map at the moment like flipping ports to other Nations control if they were captured that day. When you say "But every night?" you must remember that it's not night for a majority of the player base, it's early hours of the morning for North Americans and late morning for EU players. I did see a thread where the admin did say the time is going to be adjusted, probably to be 2 hours earlier, to less effect the Aussies and other countries near there. But at the end of the day no matter what time they make it, it's going to effect someone and they have to go with what's best for the Majority AND their work schedule, the Majority here are Europeans and North Americans. A lot of the Aussie players in that same thread I saw, were happy if it was done 2 hours earlier, so I hope it will be good for you too.
  8. You might find a player selling one, I already have my own but I snapped one up for 45k, I doubt you will find one that cheap now but there are still some reasonably priced ones out there.
  9. Niagara will be available for all to buy and craft at some point in the future, I imagine probably in the near future. It's a nice ship at the moment since they buffed it, but you will do fine without it for now, it's not a necessity.
  10. Compensating you for 1 durability on a Brig? like 10k gold lol, really?. I'd say take that loss like a man. You really didn't need to create another thread for this either, you're beginning to litter the forum with personal drama. I wouldn't call it a "bribe" either, stop being a drama queen, they offered you compensation to drop the issue. I don't agree with Green on Green / Team killing, but I saw the video and you sailed like an idiot, I don't know what you were thinking, you purposely rammed the Snow that you were "helping" to capture and while doing so you rammed your ally you were "helping". maybe take that measly 10k durability loss as a lesson to not do stupid things, especially at the cost of your Allies. I do understand your tribunal against them, as green on green is never allowed and you are well within your rights to ask the devs to do something about that, but I feel the lesson you should learn from that encounter is enough compensation. I.E, you don't ram ships you want to capture, you don't ram ships your allies are trying to capture before you came along and most importantly you don't ram allies. I mean really, all this forum whining, like what, 3 threads now, all over 10k gold? You only needed to create the one tribunal thread, instead you are here consistently trying to slander these guys, even after they've offered you compensation for your loss so you would drop the issue.
  11. You were very quick to label the community as the "worst game community ever" just because you had 1 bad experience. I do see you've wrote since you have noticed it is just a few bad apples, but your rashness to label the majority as "bad apples" in the first place is uncalled for. This thread shouldn't exist here if you have a tribunal thread, it's pointless drama. I watched the video and I have to say, what were you doing lol? why did you think "ramming" the Snow would be acceptable if those guys were trying to capture it? you're damaging the ship and giving it leaks by ramming. You also managed to ram straight into the other player. Then, for some reason, you didn't learn anything from that fail, you tried to ram it again and flipped the Snow. Considering what Deviant just said and the video only shows what happened and what was said from a certain point onward, I do wonder if you've told the story in full. According to him you said you were there for the Brig and they agreed, yet you went for the Snow and not only sunk it with stupid ramming, but you rammed the other player in doing so. I personally don't condone Green on Green / Team killing, but I don't feel this thread or this video paints you in a good light either. I'd say instead of spending your time making videos and tribunals, spend that time getting better at the game and how to avoid conflict with your fellow Nation players. I.e learning not to ram a ship when someone wants to capture it, especially not to ram the person trying to capture it, also on how to use manual sails because it was painful watching you turn into the wind without moving your sails at all .
  12. Losing ships really is not that of a big deal, especially considering most people are sailing around in Basic quality ships, the gold to buy one is so easily earned.
  13. If I am honest, even the Lt.Com missions seem pointless to me, the mission complete rewards are the same as 1st Lt, in a Cerb it put me against either a Renomee or a Snow + another ship, I won the battles but they took me longer as they were harder and cost me more in repairs than a 1st Lt mission. The XP I got from the damage during the Lt Com missions wasn't that much more than the 1st Lt missions when I break it down compared to time, i.e the time it took to finish the mission. Gold earned was actually probably the same or less because of the cost of repairs. So basically even though I get a bit less XP for 1st Lt missions due to the damage XP, they're easier, finished quicker and have the same mission XP reward, I could probably do 3 1st Lt missions in the time it takes me to do 2 Lt Com ( if the wind is on my side lol ). It seems like they do not need a lot of work and I am sure they are working on it, but perhaps some minor tweaks to the rewards and/or ships is needed for the mean time.
  14. 250 out of 280 crew would put you at about 89-90% Crew, this is passable in PvE the last I looked into it, BUT, I would avoid PvP. Any half decent PvPer will see your rank and know you're under crewing it and will look to reduce your crew even further and perhaps capture you or just out right destroy you.
  15. Devs have said multiple times there will be no XP wipe, even in this thread if you had read it lol
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