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  1. I do have a question, well I have a lot and I'm sure most if not all have already been asked so I will read through this topic when I get chance (school runs soon though). Anyway what inspired you to make this game?
  2. I was about to say the same thing Prater. Wow IE still not allowing me to quote posts.
  3. Off topic but is there a list of known things such as unarmed gun ports been open? if there isn't then maybe one should be made so people can see what has already been reported.
  4. AFK = away from keyboard We had beat to quarters in our mod for COAs and it got annoying so some people changed it so it was a different sound. Perhaps giving the player the option to pick between what sound they want would be a good idea and would make the player feel like they are setting the game to their style of play.
  5. I'm not waiting for OW to be released to everyone, I have been grinding and will continue to do so. I'm not in a rush to get into OW I want to try out each ship and have fun. At the moment I'm rushing to get a good ship so I can play in PVP games but I'm certainly not rushing to get into OW and I'm not waiting for the devs to invite everyone so I can avoid the big grind needed to gain access. I'm just guessing as to why the devs are not opening OW to everyone just yet. As for steam the devs could if they wanted open the game on steam and not have it listed in the sales (not every game goes on sale) and because its a new game its most likely the game would be exempt from sales for at least a few months. My only concern is what the price will be when open to steam because that could be the deciding factor as to how well this game does.
  6. I have never played Uncharted Waters Online and after taking a look on youtube I can see that this game is already far better looking than UWO and the battle mechanics are far better too so I don't think you need to worry about this been a UWO 2.0, VA already has a much more impressive feel to it and the combat mechanics are far superior to UWO. Sadly there will always ben someone who finds a way around the mechanics and abuses things, if leaving ports means you are invisible to everyone for a set amount of time then the players will sit a little further away waiting for those invisibles to show up and then strike the ones that are easy targets. I always wanted a game with the same ideas as puzzle pirates, you had to earn your rights to own a ship so the only way to going to sea was as part of a crew doing one of the jobs like fixing breaches, repairing the sails, draining the ship of water and loading the cannons etc. The ships you can work on could be Ai ships only player ships are not crew-able (although would be good and add a new level to the game where the skill of the players is what decides the ships ability in battle). Sadly that would mean a player would always be waiting for players to join the crew and could spend hours in dock waiting.
  7. The holidays are coming and I think this might be what the devs are banking on as that should be the time where the servers are under the most stress. At least for a few weeks and then I suspect that if all is well under the increase of people on the OW server we will see perhaps a wave of players (most active of the players I'm guessing) been sent invites to OW to test more heavier the servers. So I'm guessing that in the next few weeks we might see some invites to OW been sent out and then another wave of invites been sent out during the summer term holidays.
  8. When I got into age of sail I was playing Port Royale 2 and later found Sea Dogs which lead me to Pirates Of The Caribbean (not the movie version of the game is also known as Sea Dogs 2) which in turn lead me to a forum where I found Age Of Pirates 2 (didn't get much advertisement by the devs and thus didn't do well on the market) I quickly moved to Age Of Pirates 2 (I will refer to as COAS from now on, as its full name is Age Of Pirates 2 City Of Abandoned Ships) about a month or so after getting the game I began modding it because I wanted it to be more realistic and after a while a few guys came together forming the only modding team COAS had and we began working on the mod called community mod or CM for short, later the mod was renamed to Gentlemen Of Fortune aka GOF and the final GOF to be released was version 1.2 as we all went about our lives and hopped a new modding team would be formed taking over where we left off or even starting a new mod of their own. Sadly none of that happened and I returned first updating GOF 1.2 to 1.3 and then later on remaking GOF 1.3 to balance it out more and make it more stable (storm engines, very old and wasn't very stable for the vanilla game hence the reason a mod team was put together). Anyway the part I always worked on was realism and RTBL (real time battle light, had to be light because the original version was very heavy) but trying to make the mod work and still give players the level of enjoyment was not easy so switches was made for all features that added realism to the game (realistic weights, realistic ship purchases, RTBL etc etc) this allowed people to play the game how they wanted the problem the devs have is this is an online game (COAS wasn't) in multiplayer games you can't give switches as it not fair on those playing with a more realistic setup and thus the devs have to go one way arcade, balanced (a bit of both) or realistic. Personally I would go realistic but by doing so you limit the amount of people who will dedicate a lot of time to the game, so long term the game will slowly lose players and at full load could see a few hundred on which for this kind of game isn't good. So a balance between both is the only true way to go, and as painful as that is to accept its the only obvious way.
  9. @John Paul They join the same lobby as your in, sadly not many people are online and those that are tend to do PVP but sometimes you get some who are focusing on PVE and you might just so happen to join a PVE lobby where either someone is waiting for the battle to start or they join you while your waiting for the battle to start (they can't join a battle that has already started). (for some reason it won't let me quote a post, using internet explorer).
  10. People taking part in said event would either have to be invisible or invulnerable to attack on the open sea though because it would be so easy for someone to abuse the system and have friends lay in wait for the competitors even if its to slow them down its damage done. Start Trek online has mini games and for me that was what kept the game fun, just flying around having fights got boring very quick in the end. Players will need other things to keep them occupied in order to keep the game interesting and fun.
  11. I'm not in the open world yet and have just got myself a Brig which is nice but what would be nice to have is in the ships specifications show up, so your selected ship will show its specs bellow the ships name currently that spot has text stating "please report bugs, problems, glitches and strange things by filling F11 report in game." followed up by important messages etc etc. If all that text was moved down the ships specs could be shown so as the player gains access to a new ship he/she once selecting that new ship would be able to see straight away what the differences are over their old ship. Either that or make it so if you hover the mouse over any of the ships names a window will show up giving the player the ships specifications and perhaps a short historical description about what the ship was designed for etc. Personally I like the idea of a hover over info window idea if a ship description is also added.
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  12. So I had a few PVE battles last night (enough to move up to the Cutter) and in one of those games some people had joined which was fine we did a few battles together before one of them began firing on me. I have no idea why but as we came about to finish the final AI ship off I fired a single shot into his side and then opened a full broadside on the AI ship as I did this the guy fired a full broadside on me. Anyway although it was fun it felt like his plan was to reduce my chances of taking the final AI ship out so that he could have the reward for himself (I had been the highest scoring person in each of the battles he was in) He did manage to slow my ship down to the point that I was unable to catch up to the AI ship so yeah not so much fun when you can see the ship but can't catch up lol. I will continue to grind, I won't to try all the ships out and get a feel for them.
  13. Roy

    {Introduction} Hello

    Thanks bud, I'm sure the games I play at the moment will end up collecting dust for a very long time,
  14. Hi there everyone, I am a huge fan of tall ships and lover the period. For some years I had been working on Age Of Pirates 2 starting out on my own and then finally coming together as a team to work on the community mods which later was renamed to Gentlemen Of fortune aka GOF. After releasing GOF 1.2 the team went there own ways in the hope that other people would pick up from where we had left off and take the mod and game in a new direction. Sadly this never happened and I returned to fix the unstable GOF 1.2 releasing a quick patch GOF 1.3 and then going on to work on my own version of GOF where many ships was removed for stability and balancing reasons. GOF 2 proved to be very stable and although bugs still remained I was happy to leave it as it was and the fact that I am not a coder and that's skill I really needed someone to have who was willing to help work on the mod. Like so many of you we at Pirates Ahoy had been hopping for a new game to play and some was looking to be possibilities but never came about while those that did was very limited like Port Royale 3 which so many people said they proffered the original PR game. Now here is Naval Action and not only does it look amazing it offers the world exactly what we have all been waiting for, it offers also the multiplayer aspects that so many had been scream at us to make possible in the Community/GOF mods. When I get a chance to purchase these game I will for sure be spending many long nights sails the open sea taking in the amazing view the game offers and fighting amazing battles in PVP and PVE, thank you all and see you at sea some day. Best wishes Roy.
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