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  1. This mod is a very big surprise to me. I thought there would be no mod on the game. Congratulations ! I'm going to test it as soon as I can ! Thank you for your time and efforts !
  2. Hopefully, next game will be about the Napoleonic Wars, and this time it will be multiplayer.
  3. I had to show up and say someting here.
  4. I read your post, but before starting discussiing it there are 2 important informations I need from you : 1) At what level of difficulty are you considering the issue ? (It's a question of challenge all in all, and you cannot simply ask the AI to adjust to the human brain) 2) Your propositions.
  5. At long last I had the occasion to play the game. Legendary ofc. Wooooow ! First battle as CSA : defeat : one of the artilleries just fled away and got behind a line of yankee, and I was too exhausted to reach it in time. EXCELLENT! At the beginning of the battle, I sent my skirmisher unit far forward to intercept the two infantry units coming from the west. Guess what ? The AI took its own infantry unit (that usualy camps in the fort all the battle long) and brought it out to counter push me. So my skirmishers where on the moon while my two columns were having a hard time in the wood trying to overcome the enemy skirmishers. This was really great, as I had got bored of playing this battle again and again with the same tactic. I tried a second run and, while playing more cautiously, I achieved victory. Normaly, even on hard, I should have ended up capturing ALL enemy units. With legendary on, I had to play CAUTIOUSLY & to camp the fort at all cost, while micromanaging the cavalry unit to make (unsuccesful yet diverting) raids on the enemy artillery and general. I lost 2411 out of my 4000 men, nearing 2/3 army casualty for the first battle. At long last, challenge is here, and you definitely feel you'll have to play cautious, avoiding to push your advantage too much. And I love that. Thank you Darth.
  6. I think this has aready been mentioned in several topics. But, I agree with Mr Larp.
  7. I woke up this morning and I had the feeling something had happened here. Hell ! Yeah ! I definitely need to give it a try! God, I surely missed lot of stuff since december !
  8. @Slaithium : You are asking for a "better" AI because you do not like the idea of having challenge come from cheer "bonuses" given to the AI's troops. Fine. But, for real, you cannot blame Darth for this, or maybe you do not know what he has achieved, even before he started working for Game Labs. He is a king of AI. Most games have crap AIs. AIs are scripts mate. The more scripts you put in, the more weird the AI behaves. You have to be a very patient Magician to find an AI that works. And NO, it's not "easy" to create a "better" AI. It would cost tones of money of developpement that even SEGA is not willing to pay !!! The best AIs I know on the video game markets are in CK2, EU4, Naval Action and UGCW. No wonder these are niche games. If you want to ask the devs something they can ACTUALLY make real, so that you get a real challenge from a good "AI", just ask them to put the Multiplayer mode in. This way, the game will be much more challenging, without cheats.
  9. Thank you for this beta. I really will give it a go (but I'm really busy these days -Christmas !). Is it supposed to be plyaed on Normal or Hard ? - Edit : I found the solution. Whatever !
  10. I cannot connect to steam for some reason. I'm eager to try the news fixes. I got the feeling this will bring more challenge.
  11. They are currently the best indeed. What's more, they deal more damage being several squads of 4 howitzers than a big bunch of them in a single squad.
  12. Alright. Just finished the CSA "hard" campaign. I like the AI, mostly, though it is way too cautious IMO. At Fredericksburg, it never tried to outflank me in the North though there was a great opportunity to do so. Ofc, this is close to history, but the whole battle was hardly a challenge. I lost 7k against 70k mostly watching. I don't know how the AI works but here are two suggestions : The AI should be able to to check local superiority and take the decision to charge in. There are often instances where the AI is 10vs1 against a fortified point which it could easily overrun by mass charging. The AI should make checks on fortifications. When the enemy holds like 4-5 full units in fortifications, the AI should try to outmaneuver the thing, mostly. Playing HARD campaign feels more like playing like NORMAL in the new system. Overall, I recall the 0.68 campaign was harder. It's my first CSA campaign with 100% Victories. Very addictive game. My wife hates me because of you Darth !
  13. Just won Antietam in my current CSA hard campaign. Just a thought. At one point, the AI could have pressed its advantage and crush me, but it did not. I really get the feeling the AI is way way too cautious now and will pull back whenever it is faced with the slightest flanking threat, prohibiting it from taking actual BIG actions that matter, like taking a Victory location. This said, the AI now redirects its troops here an there to test where you have the least resistance, so there's good and bad in the change. I'm just a bid sad the AI does not seize the advantage of overhelming superiority when it can. At Antietam center, I should have lost, had the AI dared to charge. IThe battle felt a bit like in previous to patch 0.68 game, when units would stack forever in front of an obstacle. Aaah, anyway that's just an AI (though a very good one) and not a human player. This would be crazy against a human! Oh, and I keep winning and winning. The new system seems to make me snowballing, the more you win the easier it gets to win each next fight. Well, that's maybe not that bad, I can't imagine what I would have face at Antitetam if I had not won the previous fights before... LoL ! Very hard game mode, where are you ?
  14. Ahaha I almost lost 2nd Bull Run because of the new winning conditions !
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