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SS Minnow

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Community Answers

  1. Many of us had no idea there was a secret event....would be nice if official announcement in game so we could participate also.
  2. Greetings all! The seasoned wood mechanic is serving to drain excess currency from the game mainly from the wealthiest captains who have nothing left to buy. The game economy needs this to keep currency value stable. The DLC ships needed some improvement to be more viable in battle with 55 pt crafted ships, so I think they bumped the DLCs correctly by allowing (S) woods, and a few port bonus. As long as the DLC ships are clearly inferior, its not pay to win. We might need less port bonus drops on DLC to keep them inferior...maybe readjust in time. Breaking up DLC ships should not give (S) wood. We are enjoying the new challenge of raiding the AI fleets. The wind zones make it more possible to get enough people to commit to a long sail operation. Overall, it seems like a good mechanic.
  3. Wish economy missions would NOT be added to the journal...pain in the azz deleting them. Also add FLEET indicator/warning to show you have fleet ships. Annoying when you enter a battle/mission and realize you didn't detach your trader ships.
  4. Leopard 4th rate added (at least in api). 15k side HP, 450 crew, 24lb lower deck. Expect changes to specs before we see it in game.
  5. Just as good as F11...worked fine.
  6. Hi Felix

    What great work you've done...I used it 1000 times!

    As I have spent many hours in my Naval Action Explore.ods project I wonder if they will continue the API json uploads?

    Any idea?


    1. Felix Victor

      Felix Victor

      No idea, but I hope so.

      Btw: your tool is great ^^

    2. SS Minnow

      SS Minnow

      ty guess well have see - o7

  7. Make it simple...take BR completely out of the equation. Just settle on the join timer limit. Don't make us do math and ask a dozen hypotheticals.
  8. The ROE are not clear. I have not seen anyone that can explain them perfectly. Players ask this every day and there is no link to refer them to. Perhaps they are too complicated ATM.
  9. Just checked, and this is true - 50k is the max price. We checked all ports the first day of the patch and it was either LO or WO used to be 75k...now its changed to 50k. Not sure that helps much with that price per log.
  10. @admin Could you please clarify if the intention is to have a maximum of 10 missions (battle missions + economy missions = 10 max). We are unsure if economy missions can be deleted and still get the reals and doubloons rewards upon delivery. Yesterday we tested deleted cargo missions and found doubloons not being paid, only reals paid. So it is strange. Should we test again today? Preliminary feedback: I believe the intention is to have doubloons worth approx. 100 reals. The doubloon rewards have gone down and the real rewards way up, so that seems like the correct method. Doubloon costs for buildings, ship crafting, clan econ missions, etc. did not seem to change at all. Maybe the doubloon costs should be lowered a bit. For example, I think it costs 75,000 doubloons for 5000 WO logs (or 15 doubloons per log). That would be 1500 reals per WO log. Does that seem too much? The delivery missions seem to pay a disproportionate reward compared to delivering trade goods. I would bump up the consumption prices and maybe lower the delivery rewards a bit.
  11. Second Update: Clanmate volunteered (thx to Evil) to test again. He deleted his delivery mission and then delivered the cargo to Marsh. Doubloons were not paid, reals were paid. @adminThis confirms the bug occurs when you delete your delivery mission beforehand I believe. We also tested doubloon missions from yesterday that were deleted. This bug does not affect eco missions that were deleted yesterday before the patch. Players that delete their delivery missions will be disappointed that no doubloons will be paid...so don't delete your missions until this is addressed.
  12. Ty for testing. I guess we still need to delete the mission before delivering the cargo to see for sure if that is the bug.
  13. Update....a clanmate just completed the mission and was paid both reals and doubloons. They went directly to his chest. As i said i only had 239 in my chest. The only difference is that I deleted my mission after taking it to make room for more. He did not delete his mission.
  14. no it disappears for the player that took it, but remains for someone else to try it
  15. No, only had 239 in the chest. We will retest the mission to get all screenshots.
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