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  1. #removegamefromgame I guess this is why it's called Sea Trials. The idea being, that hopefully by full release, the game is streamlined with any large issues worked out.
  2. I bought mine in September of 2013, so I should be ok. RIP my computer in storm battles tho, 800 ping best ping
  3. It is a game, and if part of the long term goal is to introduce "guilds/clans", then TS is and will remain a necessary element of skilled teams. There is a reason in WoT that TS3 is essentially required by all top clans. Players that intend to work as a team will move towards a system that increases co-operation. Nothing funnier then seeing people in the CW channel asking if ingame chat would work because none of their guys were on TS. Also, think about how long it would take to send and receive messages via signals flags. "range shot, range shot, broadside, trim sails, crap gotta decode, full sails, coming about, range, range, crap have to send a return message, range range, broadside, what was message again?!?!" Finally, I don't think that there is anyways to stop people from using TS. End of the day, its a game, not an absolute simulator.
  4. Well aware of the difference being sought, simply differentiating. But it seems the ability to access the desired effect, already exists
  5. Auto aim works just fine in WoT. Here it would make little to no sense. Being able to lock the guns in place is what is needed
  6. I think you have already begun to imbibe. For shame, one would think you would take grog or rum over beer
  7. After running autoaim in WoT, I thought that this game would have something similar. I was kind of surprised at first when it didn't, but I've quickly come to feel that the current aiming system is fairly good. I do get what he is saying, you fire a ranging shot, zoom in to check distance, and if it hit's, you zoom back out to fire a broadside. But all it can take is a small twitch of your mouse at long distance, and suddenly, you're shots are going high or low. I do appreciate the aiming system here tho, it requires some thought that can have some good results. Like my Brig with long 6's at the start of a match, 3 ranging shots, and my 4th shot took out a Santi's rudder. The only think I would like to see done differently, is to have the chat trigger keyed off "Enter" or something similar. Having it tied in with the broadside trigger can lead to bad things happening.
  8. WoTLabs, saw Garbad giving it a very good review. Just waiting on my key now
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