Yesterday I had the desire to cature myself a mercury, this is outcome of it.
First battle.
Our side had me in my Surprise, a Trincomalee a Cutter and a NavyBrig.
Against us we had frogs; 2 Brigs and 2 Mercurys.
I in my desire wanted badly to cap one of those Merc's, I actually had one close to board but the wind wasn't on my side in that moment....
I had to turn my attention towards the 2nd Merc, since out Trinco started to board the one immediately afterwards.
I've made my approach, got a broadside into it and began to close in for boarding. In the moment I was around 100yards away, our Navy shot a broadside into the Merc aswell. No big deal one would assume. But the Navys gunner were so good, that the Merc catched fire and I turned harshly away from it. Only moments later it was destroyed by a devasting explosion.
In my anger I turned my fulll attention to those two remaining Brigs, which sunk quite fast.
I did not manage to capture myself a Merc, but fortunately in a battle only minutes later a fellow Captian helped me capture the Merc we were facing. After all, I finally got to my Merc.
In the end it was quite a good day, giving them frenchies a (light) blue eye
Until next time,
W. Laurence
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