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02:30 - Engagement - Contoy - WON - Sent the Trincomallee of the british captain named [sLRN]Bloodthirsty to the bottom of the sea while beeing in my Renommee together with two unexperienced captains (NPC) in a Surprise and a Cutter. When I joined the battle the Surprise was allready nearly dead and the british captain immediatly went on the run, when he saw me closing.
03:15 - Engagement - Open Sea - DRAW - Was chased by a big bunch of [sLRN] captains. I was able to flee, due to sail handling skills of my crew.


00:03 - Engagement - WON - Sunk the Basic Cutter of the British Captain Sir Matthew Aylmer.
23:58 - Engagement - LOST - Took part in a porper fleet engagement with [WARCG] againt the Pirate Society [FDC]. While the Pirate had two 3rd rates, a Trincomallee, a Pirate Frigate, two Cerberus and a Renommee, we counted on our side three Constitutions and a Cerberus. A pirate Cerb sunk and we lost two Constis.


21:38 - Engagement - WON - Engaged and sunk the Snow of the the Pirate [FTS]TheSlickOne. He fought very good, but he was outgunned.
23:22 - Engagement - WON - Engaged and sunk the Cerberus of the Pirate [OFF]Tifus.


Area: La Tortue


22:08 - Engagement - Sunk the Pirate named [KOTO]SirYogos in his Frigate, while he attacked a neutral vessel.
01:19 - Engagement - Sunk Surprise of the Pirate named [DPC]Tom McGarth. He is a nice guy though.
03:28 - Engagement - Sunk the Pirate named [KOTO]FeArMe in his snow.


Ship: Renommee - Area: La Tortue


00:51 - Engagement - Engaged the Pirate named "Auyan" in his Cerberus. He stroke his colors. His ship was captured.
01:10 - Engagement - Was attacked by a group of 5 Pirates including a 3rd rate and 2 Trincomalee. Was not able to outrun them. Brought up the fight to sink my vessel.
01:44 - Engagement - The skilled Pirate called [RUBLI] Black Jack was sunk with his trader snow.
03:10 - Engagement - Engaged the Surprise of the Pirate Blackjack Morgan. Even he used some odd tactics he got sunk at the end.
04:07 - Engagement - Engaged and captured a Brig from an unknown Pirate.
04:10 - Docking - Docked at La Tortue,


10:07 - La Tortue - Engagement - The Brig of the Pirate named [JAWS]Cooler was engaged and sunk.
10:23 - La Tortue - Engamement - Helped a neutral captain and sunk the Snow of the cowardly Pirate called Hegy.


00:39 - La Habana - Added to an engament against two spanish vessels of the society name [TES]. My unexperienced ally (NPC) was allready sinking when I joined. The enemy, a Cerberus and a Surprise, started to run once they spottet me. After a while they turned to fight. The Cerberus got sunk, the Surprise fled.
01:59 - Key West - Engaged Captain [RAE]WyNeX in his snow and sunk him.
03:15 - Key West - Engaged Captain [bIA]elite92 in his Renommee together with a small spanish fleet with captains from [RACC] and [RAE]. The pirate started to run immediatly, but at the end he went to the fishes.


03:20 - Key West - docked and devided the plunder


Ship: Renommee
22:00 to 23:30 - La Habana - Added to serveral engagements in close to the spanish capital "La Habanna". Faced some honorable captains and some with a really rude behavior. 2 spanish vessel sunk.
23:58 - La Habana - Added to an engagement against the spanish Captain de Velasco. He tried to flee, but did not make it. A very honorable captain though.


03:45 - Area of Tumbado. Jumped into a battle between a british vessel and some freebooters, helping the freebooters. The magazine of the British Belle Poule blew up and the British captain was moaning all the time. The crew cheered.


04:05 - Area of Tumbado. Helped out a groupd of French vessels, sailed by unexperienced Captains (NPC), sailing a Constitution, two Mercury and a Rennomee, against a group of British captains, sailing two Constitutions a Rennomee and a Trincomalee. When our 3rd rate engaged and release its first salve the british captains emmidiatly disengaged. This time I cheered.


Monday, 22nd February

02:28 - Engaged and captured Spanish Surprise of CdF [RAE]Baron Farrukito close to Key West. Captain Farrukito had a very rude behavior.

02:59 - Took part in an engagement against the Spanish Navy Brig of TdN Edvin van Shavo. Being outgunned and outnumbered the captain surrendered to our superior force.

03:23 - Docked at Key West. Sent crew on shore leave.


22:34 - Booked a passage to Tumbado and rallied the crew. Left Tumbado heading south with a fleet of 9 ships.


23:55 - Close to Bensalem. Lost an engangement against a fleet of 24 British ships.

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